Saturday, February 8, 2014

Precious Time

What is the most valuable resource we have?
Is it money, real estate...sorry I forgot it is fuel..
No...they are important but not as important as time.


What is Time?

As I said previously it is the most valuable resource.

Why is it so important?
Because whether you are rich or poor everyone in the world will have only 24 hours a day.You have to live with that. If you are asking for time or thinking if I had more time you could have done that then stop thinking like that you are not gonna get more time. Because you have all the time you need from that time only you have to spin out health, money,knowledge respect etc.,.

Imagine there is a bank. Everyday when you wake up in the morning you wallet is magically filled with 86400 rupees. You try to spend some of it and then at night before you sleep it is gonna burn the rest of the money. We would be very hurt right but why don't we think like that for time. Time is the money in the story 24x60x60 = 86400.
Do watching IN TIME movie to know who would our life be if time was money.
Spend it wisely. The beauty of time is you cannot waste the next minute or tomorrow.

There is a saying about time.
" Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery but , today is a gift that is why it's called Present."

Now let me give you some tips how to manage your time effectively.

1.Prioritise professor
A professor at university came to class and showed a jar, some stones and sand.

Professor : Is there any place to fill?.
Students  : Yes.
(Professor placed the stones till the jar could not fill with any more stones)
(Again professor asked)
Professor : Is there any place to fill?.
Students  : No.
(Professor then shakes the jar and filled it with pebbles).
(Again professor asked)
Professor : Is there any place to fill?.
Students  : (Doubtfully said) Noo...
(Professor then shakes the jar and filled it with sand).

Professor was trying to compare the Jar to Life.
Stones are Love,Family, Job etc.
Pebbles and sand are the rest like worrying about paying bills.

What would happen if you fill the jar first with Sand and pebbles. You won't have space to fill your life with joy.

We often think that our weekday is just the office time and i will enjoy in the weekend. No we need to stop thinking like that and stop thinking that you are tired after going home try to spend some time with your family. You are earning money to spend it with your family comfortably.To make our day beautiful try putting Joy in your daily life even in your work then only you will be happy.

We need to prioritise our life, and we need to apply the same in our daily activities.

2. 3 Q's & 5 W's

When ever you are struck then you need to use these.
3 Questions 
1. What am i doing now?
ans: i am surfing internet, Facebook.
2. What would like to do?
ans: To learn french.
3. How would you feel when you have done what you want?
and: I would feel very happy.

If you write down the question and the answer for the same. You know what you need to do.
When ever you are struck in a problem this will find the answer if you ask these questions yourself.

What is the issue?
When was it working?
Where is it working?
Why is it not working here?
Which is causing the issues?

The order of using these 5 W's may change but it will find answer for you.

3. Respect Struggle

Most of our lives we struggle hard, when we need to do something important. We need to learn to respect that time because we have crossed it with courage and great effort and in the process of improving one self.

There was a man who was sitting at a part and watching the kids playing. He was really enjoying the moment. Then suddenly he saw a Cocoon and the butterfly inside it is trying to break and come out, the man thoughtfully tried to help the butterfly and brought a pair of scissors and had cut the cocoon so that butterfly can come out easily. The butterfly came out but it never flew, because the nature around us teaches us a lesson that your life cannot be fruitful without crossing struggles.

4.Excercise Brain

We exercise our body right. Yoga or food precautions not only nurturing our body but some times we need to nurture your brain too.

When ever you have 5-10 min of times sit idle it is really hard to sit idle, close your eyes and think of your self eating a mango and feeling the taste. This way you are sending signals to your brain that i am eating mango. It is the first step of controlling brain. Later on we need to do things consciously like managing time and after few months or years your brain will automatically do it for you unconsciously.

R - Record.
A - Act
P - Play.

We often don't track how much time we are spending on which activities.If we do so then we can track what we can do better with the time we have.

Try doing this
From the time you wake up in the morning till you go to bed write down the time and what you are doing.
09:00 AM - woke up
09:15 PM - 10:00 AM got ready, tiffin.
10:00 PM - 11:00 AM news paper.
11:00 PM - 12:00 PM TV.
12:00 PM - 09:00 PM office.
09:00 PM - 10:00 PM journey
10:00 PM - 01:00 AM movie.
01:00 AM - sleep.

If you write down like this then you can see where you can do better. For the above example. 10:00 - 12:00, 10:00 - 1:00 AM i could have spent that time more wisely.

So now i know which time i can spend now i need to now plan the events. Plan for studying or reading books or which i am planning for the future.

Now we have planned what i need to do in that time. I just need to play it fairly.
Everyday we need to fill our tasks in the following table to plan which are important, we need to give numbers according to them.


Not Important
Urgent 2. Documentation, 1. Call with client (These needs to be done today) Learning new skills (It is important but not today)
Not Urgent Checking other mails, Replying to calls (We can postpone these) Other stuff strategy planning (Need to do these on a free day or off working hours)

Conclusion:Long back i had an accident and used to forget things so what in order not to forget things i started writing diary with everything in detail. Before going to bed  i close my eyes and think of what i have done and like that i lived my day twice. I some times do the same not only when the day was good but i do it even in my worse days. Then i thought by reliving the day i can dream of how i could have made the day even better. Suppose a man was not moving next in the row and instead of that talking of phone if i had shouted to move front, While reliving i will think of how i could have done it better like asking him politely to "Please move forward".We don't need to wait to correct the mistake till it happens another time, we can do it the same day. 

"Relive the day"

Monday, June 10, 2013


Apples IOS 7 from whole new perspective is coming this fall.Can't wait to get my hands on it because i'm using ipad mini.Creativity & Innovation is what makes the apple more popular everyone leaves apple.Detailing every detail makes it more clear and touching life's.
(IOS 7 Release date in India expecting on Sep 10th)

Most of the things from IOS 7 are expected features the best features too.Most of my wish list is filled except few of them.

The simplicity with design and considering all the customers into consideration.

The best features of IOS 7 are.

Simple awesome feel of your wallpaper based on the motion the phone is moving.
New Colors.
Totally refurnished the entire UI.

iTunes Radio : 
  • Listen to the songs you like.
  • Never play this song 
  • Create a radio list based on the Artist you like.
  • Share your radio.
Photo :
  • Smart Organizer (it only does it)
  • Pinch to zoom out even yearly photos too.
Air Drop :
  • Share to many.Just a drop away.No need to ask for device name.

Control Center : 
  • Powerful way to organize like never before in IOS.
  • Everywhere even when screen is locked.
Notification :
  • All at one place.
  • Meeting,Schedule birthdays
Multitasking :

  • Runs in background.
  • Smartly utilizes power for the apps that you run most or based on the time you open every day.
  • Just double tab the home button and swipe to select or pull out to close.

Camera :

  • All in one mode. (Swipe to select video recording & many more)
Safari :
  • Smart Navigation.
  • Detects next list that you store.
  • New password recommendation.
Siri :
  • Yes,Now it control phone.
  • Doesn't miss a detail.
  • New and better voices too.

Mail :

  • Swipe between mails.
  • New Interface cool.
Weather : 
  • When it snows its gonna snow in your phone or iPad.
  • Show all time zones at a time.
Messages : 
  • Messages new UI.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

which phone should i buy?

Which phone should you buy?

Couple of years ago it was easy to select which phone you want to buy.
But Now can you select a phone in one day.Nope, you cannot the more think of the features the more confusion you get.

Even if you think of the features.. Don't worry those will be outdated with new feature with more enhanced display(Retina Display and even better displays) and best camera (currently ULTRA pixel :P).

Are we really going to use all the features?What if we create a phone how user wants in it what he doesn't want.Just like a customization feature for the phones..
Wouldn't it be great?

I think that is going to be in the picture not so soon.
We Create your dream phone.Every one will be interested they phone they wanted.The phone they customized & and the design,color they want.

(I bought an ipad mini wifi and cheaper android phone to use as wifi hotspot it cost me around 25K)

Just like Laptop Customization

We can't wait till they create phone customization.
Go ahead and buy a phone which makes you feel good...just follow your heart.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


End of the world 2012 December 21
I wrote it on 20th Dec but Forgot to post it i think.
I was too much Confidence that world would not end this Dec 21,2012.But just had a thought It would be nice if world would end.No Worries , No more stress , No more thinking Just Nothing but peaceful soul.Everyone will be equal but not.Life would be meaning less if we have no purpose.
Just a bunch of people acting like programmed machines.Your thought or your feelings doesn't matter.Where we are now fells like semi machines.We have joy,fun and at the same time we are machines.But in the near future what would the next generation do??
They would be a perfect machine like a machine with three laws in "I Robot"
Why aren't the scientists made in this society because we wanna live happily so we need money.Lets bring to the beginning of our topic World end.
This is really end of the world.We stopped acting like who we were before not having a hygenic life to be healthy .The rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer.
Just a thought ..Lets think that mayans were just some kind of story tellers who just drew something and we keep getting answers from it.Like if you look at a cloud and if you think that it looks like horse then after sometime you will find a horse in the sky.That's totally your perception.May be I am wrong but there are ways of telling about the calendar.
Of course Life gets bored if there is nothing interesting that is going on in our life just a Pass by kind of story would make us talk about this topic more than a hour.But like this topic which never ends.

The best quote that had made me think from the movie 2012 "The Moment we Stop fighting for each other ,that's the moment when we loose humanity"

Don't worry there are gonna be more bunch of stories of world end.

Jack The Giant Slayer

Jack The Giant Slayer,

The Story we heard or saw in Television but they put it all together in a very good way.

The Version that I saw or heard I don't remember quite well but it comes this way:
Long ago there was a town full of happiness,singing and dancing every day as a festival.There was boy who wanted an adventure.He one day was going through the town and a person was in need of help and this young boy helped him out.In return the old magician gave a small bag seeds and said "Use them only when you at most need to grow a tree".The boy grew old and the old magician was never seen again.Legends were told that There were magical seeds which would grow and reach the skies and there will be a big pot of gold and everything they need.But the boy never tried to use them.One day unfortunately one the seed fell into the ground and he slept.When he woke up he tried to do what he normally does everyday.But He found himself in the sky and he was over the clouds.There was a tree like money plant below him but the leaves are so big as a house.He there saw a house and it has full of gold in it.he walked right into the house and found no one but the chairs and table everything was so big and suddenly he heard the door sound and he tried to run and hide but the giant found him.And caught him as a prisoner but the boy was clever so he said to the giant that you are scared of me that's why you are trying to eat me.The giant got angry and shouted No."Ok" the boy said and "Lets play a game if I win you give me a pot of gold and should leave me" and the giant said "If I win i am gonna have a nice lunch".The boy won the game and he took some of it and returned and he was living happy then the most powerful thing rose up "Doubt" on him by others.Where is he getting this from?They followed him one day and found the big tree and they waited for him to come back and he came back with a big pot of gold and went to his home.The people who followed him climbed up the tree and they never knew what was in the clouds they were thinking of full gold mountain but The Giant the guardian of Gold caught them and when the next day the boy came over there then as usually they played a game of chess and when he wins he get the gold or else they boy should stay there it was the deal.

I think that is best I could remember.But its just the glimpse of my flashback. :P

Monday, February 25, 2013

No:1 India

The Story I read long time in an Eenadu Weekly Book.

Do you think India is still an economically developing country?

No dudes,now the directors & writers worldwide who are trying to show the slums of India,and showing the poverty through the magnifying glass and trying to get Oscars is gonna come to an end.

Now India is getting recognition of its Own.Its not a sudden achievement.There has been a lot of effort behind this success.

By making and correcting mistakes,
By standing and with standing,
By putting all our efforts,
like a bursting volcano,
we are reaching the achievement we are looking for.
India is like a brand which is always going to win.
It might be coal,whisky peg,jewellery,low price cars,gold they are making this brand.

I'm not just telling them just have a look the description of each.

A big salute to Coal:
Coal-India stood first place of large scale production in the whole world.81% of the coal used in India is generated from Coal India.Yearly 400Million tons of Coal getting dig.No where in the world we can find this scale of production by a single organization.Most of the power generation in India is through coal only.Out of 86 Thermal power stations 82 Thermal power stations are using Coal as their source of power production.

Name: Coal India
Est: 1975
Head Office: Kolkata
No Of Emp: 3,83,347
Owner Ship : 90% Gov, 10% Shares to people
Website :

Golden Mountain:
Indian's are so sentimental
Indian's are foresighted
Indian's like saving money.
Indian's like beauty.
This are all the reasons for the Love of Gold.

Just Imagine the whole amount of gold that is present in India,Its almost around 18,000 Tons.We could give American's the jewelry for 100 Years without any difficulty.Now do yo say India is a poor country? There is another reason for having this much of gold.We like buying gold.We feel it as a good sign.How much the gold price raises we won't like to sell it. Akshayatrithiya, Dantheras are the festivals we buy a lots of gold. E-Gold is also getting more popular now. India is in No:1 Position for buying gold.In the world wide gold market 27% belongs to India.

My Country a Golden Mountain.

Business Bharat:

Once upon a time people were afraid to export good with "Made in India" logo because the foreigners thought that they might it will lack quality.Traders requested to remove the logo.What a sudden change?Now-a-days a lot of products made in india are dominating the world market.Even in exporting biscuits and coconut oil we are the largest exporters.Parle-G biscuits are exported to southern countries including America,Europe and Africa it is the biggest brand sold out.Chinese are also biscuit lovers the biscuits that are manufacture in china is less when compared Parle-G manufactured in India.Parachute brand is also one the famous and India stood 1st in manufacturing coconut oil.

In Towers manufacturing KEC International,India again stood 1st place in the world.

Guess what even the cheapest car is from india.You know it.It's none other than Tata Nano.

Cheapest tablet from India Aakash.

Year:1939 (Started Biscuites)
Brand Value : 2000 Cr

Company Name:Mareeco
Last Year Turnover:3128 Cr

KEC International:
Providing Electrical Telecom Railway Engineering Services in almost 25Countries.

Tata Nano:
Smallest Car.
The dream of Ratan Tata.

Worlds Alcohols:
Edward Dyer came to India as a employee of EastIndia Company.He did not face any problem in language as well as in Climate but the issue was with the liquor.He couldn't live with out it.But where can he find scotch or Wine?How many could he bring from his home town.Along with Edward so many people came to india for trading.All the people like edward were facing the same problem. Then he thought of manufacturing it in India and started selling it here.

He searched for a place that resembles Scotland then he came to know about shimla.He imported the machinery which is used to prepare liquor.Around 1820 he manufactured production of liquor.It is the beginning.Later on people like Vijaymalya spread it world wide.At present India is the largest manufacturer in Whisky production.

Every year we are exporting 55.96 Million bottles of wines.Coming out of scotish brand Indian whisky came into lime light.Its a kick isn't it..

Now lets go to our best known
Global Tata's:
They are giving employment to the English people who ruled us.The Tata group which is leading Indian Industrial market is also in first place in Britan.
In production industry it is giving employment to almost 40K people.

The most popular british aero space is limited to 2nd place.To sell Indian products across Britian they started up a branch over seas and now its like a gigantic tree.

Even IT (TCS) is giving employment of 4K to british people.By take over of jaguar , Landrover , Tetle , Chorus it gave life to some more british people.

Tata group is the biggest one undertook britans largest salt manufacturing organization.

Tata is largest investor in britain.

Asia's biggest chain of hotels is Taj Groups which is also Tata's.

So much To say..about tata..
Just Google it know more.

Pallongi mistri:
He is the richest person in Ireland who is an Indian.

Founder:Jamshedji Tata
Chairman:Sirius Mistri
No Of Employees:4.5Lacs

Starting from needle to airplanes it is involved in every thing.


Again India is in 1st Place in global services location index a/c 2012 statistics.Even if we think of US or other India is the only thing that is standing first.Even if china and Russia are trying to compete it doesn't make a difference.

Knowledge is divine for us.Our educational institutions are one of the best.But the salary pay scale is less when compared to other countries.We can say this as the reason why we are good at outsourcing.

Grade A people are more in Bangalore rather than Singapore.


Selling Diamond's but the beauty is not in diamonds it is also the way its being sculptured.It needs a lot of skill, concentration and patience are in Indian's DNA's.70% World wide diamonds are mostly sculptured to get their beauty in India.

Who do you think introduced Diamonds to World??
Yes, India.

Yearly : 1.41 Lac Cr Valued diamonds are exported to other countries.


The daily needs of every home.The one we see every day Amul Productions.For 37 Countries Amul exports the products.

Citi Group : Vikram Pandit (CEO), 
Pepsi : Indra Nuyi, 
Motorola : Sanjay Jhu
most top places are Indians.

C.K.Prahallad is one the member out of 10 in worlds known management thinkers.
Ramcharan Best CEO coach is one the best in the world.


Heart of Microsoft is India.
Without google India where would google be i can't guess it.

Our India is Number 1.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


A blink away yet very close to heart.People from different places see it as we do.The peace to heart will be just a thought away.The moon light is so beautiful that you just can't take your eyes away from it.

What would our life be if there is no moon rotating around the earth.A boring night with just stars.Without the moon night would be a awful waste of sky.A life in moon would be as if you had reached the heaven.

Just imagine a day on moon…..

It's like a dream come true..Watching from earth moon would be a beautiful what if you watch the earth from moon ?

If you could just jump a little it would lift you up a little…

Hmmm I wish there was livable environment on the moon so that I could buy a land over there. :P