Friday, September 30, 2011

Chrome is Like Tablet

I was using Safari for a Long time...But Chrome is really faster that Safari may be because of its resources .And one the best Feature i like in Google Chrome is Google Web Store.
 I feel like as if My Chrome is like a tablet of applications.

Wish they could make it look like that....

The Apps are Really Great...I Use them all the time...when you visit the Webstore you can get all the apps what ever you want just for free..
There are extension store for safari too...but not an Application store.
But Google Chrome has a web store which will be displayed in the new tab when ever you click new tab...
By this our interface will also be at ease...Try it out find what ever apps you want...Just clicking Add to Chrome.
This is how the Chrome Web Store will be like..
Divided into sections... and even search is there to find the apps you need and also extensions too...

Even there are games too..I enjoyed the games a lot. Game i played the most is ...
Word 2

After Knowing This you must try it know how much Fun it is.....

Google is The Best now-a-days...

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